GOS has been an Arizona office furniture dealer for over 60 years and a lot has changed in creating a functional office design. In the past, some essentials included finding the right office desk for writing by hand, plotting file cabinets for efficient storing, and providing the perfect ergonomic chair while reading hard copy papers. However, today our office furniture design is centralized all around one tool: our computers. While this digital dream come true has worked wonders in creating a more efficient office, our eyes are really taking the heat for this revolution.
While the average person is awake around 18 hours a day, it’s estimated that around 11 of these hours is spent staring at a screen. It’s no surprise that the simple task of working has become visually stressful, as 50 to 90 percent of computer workers experience eyestrain. Here’s what we recommend to help curb the effects of eyestrain in the office:
Proper Lighting
The main cause of eyestrain is caused by improperly lit environments. The sure sign of long-term vision problems can be fixed early if you catch yourself constantly squinting at your screen. Eliminate exterior sunlight with drapes, or position yourself so that sunlight is encouraged, yet not too overpowering.
Upgrade Your Computer
Old school isn’t cool on the optics. Upgrade to LCD screens- anti-reflective surfaces take away much of the work on our eyes. Modern office furniture pieces such as monitor arms also helps to adjust the distance of vision.
Take Breaks
Not exactly an exciting suggestion but walking away from your screen helps significantly. Studies show that workers who took mini breaks throughout their day (around six breaks of five minutes) reduced eyestrain and didn’t experience a decrease in productivity. Along with your vision, breaks also help your back, shoulder, and neck.